
  • Innovative Economics Journal

    Welcome to the main page of the Innovative Economics Journal, a platform dedicated to the publication of the latest research in the field of innovative economics. We provide a space for academics, researchers and economic practitioners to share their knowledge, ideas and latest findings through high quality articles. This journal covers a wide range of economic topics, from economic theory to practical applications in various sectors and global contexts. We are committed to facilitating ongoing intellectual dialogue and contributing to the development of innovative economic thinking. Enjoy the inspiring and useful research in the Innovative Economics Journal.

  • Jurnal Riset Kualitatif dan Promosi Kesehatan

    Journal Title  Jurnal Riset Kualitatif dan Promosi Kesehatan
    Abbreviation  J Ris Kualitatif dan Promosi Kesehat
    DOI prefix 10.62016
    Online ISSN 2775-4944
    Editor-in-chief Dr. Ahmad Yani, S.K.M.,M.Kes
    Important information for authors, please ensure that before submitting your manuscript, you have carefully and accurately followed the writing guidelines. Discrepancies between the manuscript and the journal's guidelines/template can result in the rejection of the article. 
    Journal is published monthly (6 Issues per Year) : January, Maret, May, July, September, November.