Journal History

Innovative Economics Journal, was born from the urgent need for an academic platform that focuses on the dynamics of innovation in the context of the modern economy. This journal was formed in 2024 by CV. Ara Digital Mandiri, this journal aims to be a place for the development and exchange of brilliant ideas in the field of innovative economics.

This journal began its journey by introducing a broad focus and coverage, covering various aspects of economic innovation from digital technology to sustainable development policies. With the aim of being at the forefront of encouraging innovative thinking in the discipline of economics, the journal welcomes contributions from researchers and practitioners around the world.

By publishing prominent articles, influential policy analysis, and in-depth literature reviews, the journal forms a platform for productive discussion and collaboration among the academic and practitioner communities of economics.

With the development of a dedicated editorial team and a growing network of international partners, this journal is expected to be able to provide the latest ideas in facing the ever-changing dynamics in the economic field.

Innovative Economics Journal, with a vision to continue to be a platform for promoting innovative thinking and high quality research in this discipline, this journal is expected to contribute with the spirit of continuing to develop so that it can make a meaningful contribution to the academic community and economic practitioners throughout the world.